NOTES ===== empty.html is the original GTD TiddlyWiki TiddlyWiki.html has been patched to work in Dashboard main.html is a wrapper that puts TiddlyWiki in a frame in order to get scrollbars. Instead of saving back into the html file, we save into the widget preferences (these end up in ~/Library/Preferences/). Could implement file saving fairly easily with a Dashboard native code plugin. The resize control from main.html seems to stop working after a while. No idea why. Mouse scroll wheel doesn't work in dashboard widgets :( Auto-scrolling to view Tiddler edit boxes doesn't seem to work all the time. Since you can't print from Dashboard, there's an extra link added which creates a new HTML file based on empty.html and opens it in your browser. There appears to be a bug in Dashboard which causes Tooltips to remain active when the dashboard layer is hidden. This means you get unexpected mouse pointer changes and tooltips! The import.rb script can be used to slurp in some existing Tiddlers. This may be limited by the maximum command line argument length. Jonathan Paisley jp-www at dcs dot gla dot ac dot uk